Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

UAS english language

Assalamualaikum wr,wb
firstly, let's thanks to Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so we can attend and gether in this place in good condition and happy situation.
I don't forget to say thanks to the teacher, who has been giving me the valuable opportunity.
Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Mega Kurdiantika, I'm standing in front of you all, i'd like to deliver my speech under the title is The impact of price rises on the economy of society.
As we know in Indonesia economy always increasing especially on goods price daily needs. Goods price increase currently continued, goods price increase persistent current increases often we can call Inflation. The causes of inflation the first increased costs production, inflation if production costs rose and led to increase in the price of good and services.
The second excess demand that cannot be filled by the manufacturer
The third is printing brand new bills by the goverment, inflation happened if the new printing money to cover the federal budget deficit, printing money usually causing money in circulation more and unbalanced of good and services and good will rise
Then the impact the distribution of two faster production of entre preneurs increased in additional due to invesment, revanue increased but real income reduce in the small income.
Then the negative impact of the good and services up, values and confidences in money will decline or diminished, money projects jammed or displaced, saving awereness of the residents.
ladies and gentelmen that is all speech that I can deliver. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us. I am so sorry id i had a mistake. 
Thank you for you attention
Wassalamualaikum wr,wb

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