Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

Perbedaan antara Hijab dan Akhlak

Assalamualaikum wr,wb
Baiklah kali ini saya akan membahas tentang “Hijab dan Akhlak adalah dua hal yang berbeda”, karena dizaman modern seperti sekarang ini orang-orang selalu beranggapan bahwa Hijab dan Akhlak adalah hal yang saling berkaitan dan sangat berpengaruh, jadi disini saya akan sedikit berbagi ilmu yang saya ketahui walaupun mungkin saya pribadi belum terlalu mengerti tentang ini, tetapi tidak ada salahnya kan saya menyampaikan sedikit kepada kalian? Hehe
Seperti salah satu kalimat yang saya pernah dengar Jika engkau berjilbab dan ada yang mempermasalahkan akhlaqmu, katakan pada mereka bahwa "Antara jilbab dan akhlaq adalah 2 hal yang berbeda". Berjilbab adalah murni perintah Allah, wajib untuk wanita muslim yang telah baligh tanpa memandang akhlaqnya baik atau buruk, sedangkan akhlaq adalah budi pekerti yang tergantung pada pribadi masing-masing. Jika seorang wanita berjilbab melakukan dosa atau pelanggaran, itu bukan karna jilbabnya namun karna akhlaqnya. "Yang berjilbab belum tentu berakhlaq mulia, namun yang berakhlaq mulia pasti berjilbab". Dengan adanya kalimat ini bukan berarti saya setuju dengan kata-kata ini dan bukan berarti saya setuju pula apabila wanita berhijab tetapi tidak berakhlak mulia.
Berhijab adalah suatu kewajiban bagi muslimah seperti Sabda Rasulullah shallallahu ’alahi wassalam yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dari ’Aisyah, (artinya) : ”Hai Asmaa! Sesungguhnya perempuan itu apabila telah dewasa/sampai umur, maka tidak patut menampakkan sesuatu dari dirinya melainkan ini dan ini.” Rasulullah Shallahllahu ’alaihi wassalam berkata sambil menunjukkan muka dan kedua telapak tangan hingga pergelangan tangannya sendiri.  dan akhlak adalah sifat, tingkah laku, atau pribadi seseorang yang telah melekat pada dirinya sendiri dan telah melekat didalam pribadi seseorang tersebut. Jadi hijab dan akhlak merupakan dua hal yang berbeda
Singkatnya menurut saya “Pakailah jilbabmu seraya tidak sekedar berniat untuk melakukan suatu hal yang wajib dari perintah Allah. Jangan kamu memakai jilbab hanya untuk fashion belaka, atau memakai jilbab untuk menutupi kejelekan sifatmu. Ikhlaslah memakai jilbab untuk kebaikan dirimu, dan jadikan Hijab sebagai kebutuhan mu, niscaya kelak kamu akan merasakan manfaat jilbabmu dan berubahlah akhlakmu”.

Semoga dipostingan kali ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian para pembaca dan kita sendiri dapat memahami dan memaknai tentang postingan ini. Wassalamualaikum wb,wb

Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

UAS english language

Assalamualaikum wr,wb
firstly, let's thanks to Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so we can attend and gether in this place in good condition and happy situation.
I don't forget to say thanks to the teacher, who has been giving me the valuable opportunity.
Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Mega Kurdiantika, I'm standing in front of you all, i'd like to deliver my speech under the title is The impact of price rises on the economy of society.
As we know in Indonesia economy always increasing especially on goods price daily needs. Goods price increase currently continued, goods price increase persistent current increases often we can call Inflation. The causes of inflation the first increased costs production, inflation if production costs rose and led to increase in the price of good and services.
The second excess demand that cannot be filled by the manufacturer
The third is printing brand new bills by the goverment, inflation happened if the new printing money to cover the federal budget deficit, printing money usually causing money in circulation more and unbalanced of good and services and good will rise
Then the impact the distribution of two faster production of entre preneurs increased in additional due to invesment, revanue increased but real income reduce in the small income.
Then the negative impact of the good and services up, values and confidences in money will decline or diminished, money projects jammed or displaced, saving awereness of the residents.
ladies and gentelmen that is all speech that I can deliver. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us. I am so sorry id i had a mistake. 
Thank you for you attention
Wassalamualaikum wr,wb

come on guys watching my first video on youtube , click . don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe :)

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Recommendations the best place

Mempawah is small town with many place most suitable for its on vacation diminish tired, i have some recommendations place in mempawah to you visit if you are dimempawah. First there bus mempawah where it is not only used as a bus stop but at night place has gone function into the selling various kinds of food, this place was always bustling visitors every night, moreover holiday visitors will increase.
 Then you must visited a meal named bestari, feeding place here with soup legs of cattle and noodles tiau fried him, place is long standing so many people outside mempawah knows this place, where food is renowned good so you eat here not be sorry feel food here, close keraton amantubillah mempawah it is the best suited for you tourists outside the city mempawah.
 Then food stalls a tart spicy sir wahab , place the food that its main is a IKAN ASAM PEDAS , famous unpalatable is also always crowded visitors . We can choose its own fish that we want to eat and direct the cooked today also , by prescription already inherited the chefs at these cooking the fish with unpalatable , besides the fish we can also order other menu as fish or cephalopods all available inthe this , this place will be crowded when daylight because it is lunch hour. 
For those of you want to visit dimempawah should you go to which i have already mentioned above earlier because i think as only native mempawah , the feeding place in the wonderful one that are here , you will not regret if have never felt eat where this .

my last meal on earth

Assalamualaikum wr,wb 
This time i will tell food the latter i ate , before i will tell to you that i was a child who likes eat , moreover food nusantara , i think food nusantara was largely most good i have ever eat , ranging from various types of food is to seasoning plus when to cook it makes i have always loved indonesian food. And food the latter i ate are chickens fuel , but like the sweet flesh him too soft , and healthier than fried chicken .
But food most i like is meatballs . Meatballs have a sense of its own for me , moreover eaten winter the way it tastes better, 
Moreover meatballs spicy pep up eat more , meatballs always have its own value for me , do not care that can make you fat important .
Food the other is fried rice, 
Maybe all like fried rice , good food is often we meet anywhere from the usual feeding place until the restaurant , ranging from fried rice fried rice usual to complete , i think fried rice is food obliged to me, Enough with the money 15k course we have enjoyed fried rice , especially if my dad cook fried rice for me , it is terrible to , i always miss fried rice artificial my dad,
It cannot be denied food nusantara are food most unpalatable , you guys gonna miss eating nusantara when you guys located outside the regions , meatballs and especially fried rice , it is also that makes me want to open food business , by keeping a sense of which have no food business so that i do famous unpalatable , and for you guys readers posting this keep love food nusantara far more healthy compared with fast food like kfc and pizza

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

a latter to past and future me

this post I will tell you the story about my childhood and my hopeless for the 10 years coming, let just i will start, ancients at in 1999 i was born of my mom and dad. I am a little girl living with plenty of dreams, grew up being girls cute. The year 2004 i come in elementary school, then it 2010 i got junior high school I wanted to be a doctor, then i get high school 2013 year and while i was in high school my dream changed, i want to be a P URNA PRAJA IPDN, the dream i want to achieving by trying to register IPDN when i have graduate high school when this year. The lord will other, i was not allowed continuing there and i do not desperate, many times i tried to get university in PONTIANAK, ranging from SNMPTN test until this INDEPENDENT test. then i could have passed at the economic and business TANJUNGPURA UNIVERSITY, it is reality not valid hope i didn't give up. I just try something new, and hope me to 10  the coming year is i could plume my parents, i can pass from school of economics this with a high value and statisfying, I could get work that is appropriate to this science of i have, and also i eager i came out of college i have got a friend food business that i am not have a job in i can work, and hopefully all hope and wish to me this would be reached, because i am sure nothing impossible in this world.
thanks for your attention guys, and don't forget to read this post :)))))

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

favorite songs

hi assalamualaikum friend, i am come back again hehe, I will tell you about my favorite song when I karaoke. song choice when I karaoke were song in accordance with the my hearts wkwk :D , usually song a sad, because the songs sad usually have meaning so deep for me, one song my favorite is Samsons Tak Bisa Memiliki. why I love that song? because that song it has a great for me, mooreover I am really sad, and this song also represents what it was like this, could not have someone haha :D, perhaps you are grieve will also feel the same and will sing the same, and the song that is another GAC Bahagia
, because I have three friends and always we do joint activities and this song I think the songs bes suited to represent a feeling of the four of us. we are always happy and always enjoyed this life, because we think life would be difficult if we did not enjoy it, every lyrics by lyrics have the meaning his or her own life for me, because I am not the kind of the person love song speak English therefore I wrote on post this time it song Indonesia, but not in spite of this is all also liked another piece, hopefully we love song that we can aadvance music especially for Indonesia own, and hopefully song Indonesia could compete with songs from other countries hehe :D Go Indonesian musical

Minggu, 13 November 2016

favorite place

hi friends, how are you? I hope you always healty and happy. I will tell you about my favorite place. before I am sorry for the delay me in post this task, because I forgotten account my blog and made me late post this take, and I would like to visit again someday. The place is a waterfall medang Pulang, located in Hulu Gurung Kapuas hulu, why I picked this place? because in that we can enjoy beautiful sight, scenery still natural, with a tree large around it flowing water slowly and lucid, and small fish that swim in water, with the beauty of this natural I feel feeling calm when i located somewhere this. In a waterfall this there are several children waterfall, but there is only major waterfall whose height about 10 meters.
Really a sight very beautiful to be enjoyed, to till in the this we pay cheap enough course. This place will be crowded visitors if during a celebration of Idul fitri, this place is one tourist site be preserved and protected by the goverment and people around this place. I always wanted to go back because this place give me the beautiful so I always want to go back here. For those of you read post here try vocation to the falls this, you will not regret if has had it and do not forget bring or litter what you say here in order of place is always clean and far from trash, not contaminated water and fish did not die because garbage towering at a waterfall this, also sustainability plant around a waterfall stay awake beauty. thank's for your attention guys :)